Warning lights work as a part of the onboard diagnostics systems (OBD) integrated into the car’s computer. The main purpose of the OBD is to alert the driver of any malfunctions or safety precautions the vehicle needs attention too.
Qualified Service Technicians also use the OBD to accurately diagnose faults or damages in a vehicle. When a fault has occurred the OBD will produce a code. This code is interpreted by a Service Technician and then the correct steps and procedures are followed to repair the faulty part(s).
Ever wondered what they mean? The best way to find out exactly what your warning lights mean is to refer to your car’s owner manual. Each car make and model is different – thus the meaning of each warning light may slightly differ from vehicle to vehicle. In your owners manual, you’ll find information that is specific to your own car.
This article serves as general idea of what the light may indicate and what you should do if you were to encounter an illuminated warning light.
When light appears static on your dashboard it typically means that your car is experiencing a problem, but it is not an emergency. On the other hand, a flashing warning light indicates a severe problem. If you see a flashing warning light you should pull your car over to a safe area and turn off the engine as soon as you can.
The colours on the car warning lights are typically used to symbolise the severity of the problem.
Red: Typically a red warning indicates a problem that needs to be attended to immediately. Continuing to drive when this warning light increases the risk of further damage to your car.
Yellow/Orange: A yellow or orange warning light indicates a problem that needs to be repaired or serviced soon.
Green/Blue: A green or blue light typically indicates that a system is in use.
Note: Maintain Battery
Your car battery is vital to ensure the proper functioning of the OBD. Make sure your battery is routinely checked and maintained to the best performing condition each year.