What To Do When You Put The Wrong Fuel In Your Car? - Wembley Autocare

What To Do When You Put The Wrong Fuel In Your Car?

Dec 02

So you’ve put the wrong fuel in your car. What now?

One of the most dangerous things you can do for your car’s health is to put the wrong fuel through it. If you’ve done it, don’t panic just yet, there are a few steps you can take to ensure that you don’t cause permanent damage to your vehicle.

Step 1:

DO NOT TURN ON YOUR ENGINE OR DRIVE THE CAR! If you have, stop right now!

Step 2:

Push your car to a safe place where you can make a call.

Step 3:

If you have breakdown coverage, call them immediately. If not call any roadside assistance.

Step 4: 

Your car will then be taken to a professional to get drained and refueled.

Step 5:

Calm down, this isn’t the end of the world, it happens to the best of us! Call Wembley Autocare on (08) 9387 3888  and we will do the best we can! 

Do you have a Petrol or Diesel car? This could make all the difference!

There are two possible mistakes you could have made. Either you put Diesel in your Petrol car, or Petrol in your Diesel car. Worst case scenario is putting Petrol in your Diesel car, as this causes serious damage to the fuel lines and fuel pump while putting Diesel in a Petrol car is relatively harmless as the car will likely not even start